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On The Spot
Being in the right place at the right time is usually a matter of luck rather than judgment. It is also the kind of situation which leads in many cases to business......
Bath Day
Another man heading for West Africa is former CM staff man, now consultant, David Lowe. " It's got nothing to do with transport," he tells me. Since David's not much interested......
Desperate Distribution
Can life, even in transport, really be as hard as it is portrayed in the Distribution Executive's Game produced by Wilkinson Transport ? Perhaps not, but it is certainly an......
Inflation Seer
One man who foresaw the dreaded inflationary effect of linking wages with prices no less than 30 years ago, and therefore could say "I told you so " with some justification, is......
Gate Menace
Renewed activity in South East London these days, I see, in putting traffic pinches across back-double routes to deny access to lorries. Fair enough in itself, I suppose, as......
Flying Ice
Driving up M6 on one of the frosty mornings last week was made slightly hazardous by a situation that I'd not encountered before: flying ice. The hazard had left its first......