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Emperit Launches New Lorry Tyres
SEMPERIT has added four new commercial vehicle tyres to its range offered to British operators. Two of them, the Grip Steel and Cyclop Steel, are both intended for on/off-road......
Wax Lyrice
DURING the recent cold spel great many lorries we disabled by waxing up of die fuel. At temperatures of bell minus 9°C wax crystals begin form in diesel fuel and evi tually clog......
See-through Auto Lube
AN UPDATED AUTOMATIC grease lubrication system, Greaselu 2, will be launched at the RAI exhibition in Amsterdam, whi closes on February 13. The equipment enables each of the......
Japanese Spark Tour
LEADING European authorities on electric vehicles are to visit Japan to gather information at first hand on the Japanese electric vehicle industry. The tour is being......