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The Chance Of A Lifetime . . .
NOBODY would accuse the road haulage industry of radical thinking but the National Freight Consortium will, I believe, help to make industrial history in Britain in being owned......
• . . Defender Of The Faithful
THE TWO recognised ways by which the Government could have turned the NFC over to private enterprise might have had unwelcome consequences for employees. Peter Thompson found a......
Unkindest Cut Of All
I NEVER thought to see the day when elected representatives of the hub of the Commonwealth would seriously vote on whether to substitute anarchy for the rule of law. The action......
Horsepower With No Danger Of Waxing
THERE was support for the Shire Horse Society's movement for a return to animal power when Ted Robson, a London haulier, replied to the railway strike by offering free lifts in......
Fall Off . . . In Enthusiasm
BRIG DENNIS RENDELL, who has been quite a lad in his time, has retired as head of the RAC/ACU national training scheme for motorcyclists. During a sparkling 38-year military......
Wrong Accent On Parcels Delivery
A LONDONER who alleges that he lost a job with United Parcel Service, America's biggest parcel-delivery company, because of his English accent, suing the company in Michigan for......