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Common Market Tariff Cuts
C HANGES in tariff duties imposed on goods imported into the Common Market came into effect on Sunday. There were two changes. The first was a reduction of 10 per cent. on......
Fleet. Change Planned
QOUTH SHIELDS Corporation trans port committee is to consider the gradual replacement of its fleet of 54 trolley buses by motor buses. The step is being recommended mainly to......
100 Buses Needed
W WARNED by their general manager. Mr. G. Parry, that over the next few years about 100 new buses will be needed to keep up the present strength of 147 buses. Burnley, Cone and......
Jack Report To Be Secret?
TS the Government going to have second thoughts about making public the report of the Jack Committee on rural transport? writes a special correspondent. Until now it has been......
"raise Parcels Charges"
rHARGES for parcels carried by Man chester Transport Department will be raised by 121 per cent, if a transport committee recommendation is approved. The committee state that......
Too Many
A N applicant who was asked by the Western Licensing Authority a: Bristol why he was finding it difficult to keep his B-licensed vehicle fully occupied. replied: "Too many......