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Prhe Business Of Grove Garage
1 (Haulage), Ltd., 65 High Street, Edgware, was acquired on December 31 by Hallett, Silbermann, Ltd., 171 Cricklcwood Broadway, London, N,W.2. The Edgware concern adds 12......
Minibus Warning
A A LEAFLET reminding owners of minibuses of their legal position is being issued by the Ministry of Transport through local taxation offices. If they carry passengers and......
"no" To £95 Rise
A N appeal to the Industrial Court for arbitration on the claim for more pay for London Transport inspectors and supervisors may be made by the Transport and General Workers......
No Answer Yet To Pay Proposals
T HE employers' sides of the National Council for the Omnibus Industry and the National Joint Industrial Council for the Road Passenger Transport Industry have not yet replied......
Complete Plastics Guide
P LASTICS" INTERNATIONAL, to be published by Temple Press Ltd. on January 18, is an entirely new and comprehensive guide to the products of the Plastics industries of the world,......
Large Bedford Tipper Order
Q NE of the largest single orders for Bedford TK models was handed over to Harry A. Coff, Ltd., last Friday. The order was for 23 7-ton tippers, fitted with Telehoist SL7......