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Chewing On Staying Awake?
D taying alert on long journeys is a problem many lorry drivers will have experienced. Now a chewing gum has been introduced which is said to combat the effects of drowsiness.......
Seasonal Good Deeds
a he Hawk is pleased to learn that TNT's Christmas appeal collected 20,000 tins of soul), meat and desserts to provide the basis of Christmas dinners for the people of Bosnia.......
Clots In The Arteries
2 ast year's final tally showed there were well over 61 million vehicles of all types in Japan and after a midday drive from the downtown Tokyo to Narita airport you would swear......
Still Crazy After All These Years
ristol haulier Lane Group became television stars in a BBC programme Crazy Ways for Crazy Days with Torn Peters, which looked at effective business management. Peters, one of......