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Weigh Up Ma Wood
• South Humberside-based Fleet Weighing Services has been appointed distributor for Maywood On-Board weighers. Contact Fleet Weighing Services, The Old Hall, Althorpe, South......
Clean Exhausts
• Canadian manufacturer Diesel Controls has appointed Agriemach in Uckfield, East Sussex, to sell its range of diesel exhaust purifiers. The purifier has a patented stainless......
Driver Agency
• Birmingham-based HMS Personnel Services plans to launch a staffing service specifically for the transport industry next month. It says that drivers will be put through an......
Popular Bodywork
• Exhibition space is already almost sold out for the first International CV Bodywork Show at the National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh on 15-17 March. Contact 071-235 70(X).......
Goods Handling
• The latest developments in technologies for the handling, storage and distribution of goods and materials will be on show at the Logistics Technology Europe (London) 94......
Retail Solutions
• Meeting the needs of the retailer will be the theme of the next Transfrigoroute meeting on 27 January at the Volvo Truck headquarters in Warwick. Contact Christopher Wakley......
Nvo Seminars
• Six seminars will be run this year by the ETA on national vocational qualifications. The dates are: Nottingham18 January; Bristol-1 February; Birmingham-8 February; Leeds-16......
Truck Sale
• Part of Transfleet's pool of vehicles will be up for grabs at two auctions at NCA premises at Huthwaite, Mansfield, Nottingham. On 22 January 200 rigid vehicles will be......
Euro Transport Fair
• The Eurocargo trade fair will take place in Dusseldorf, Germany, on February 23-23. It will focus on new logistics solutions for intra-company and extra-company transport.......
Waste Tips
• A free booklet outlining how waste can - iers can avoid the pitfalls of breaking the Environmental Protection Act is available from Biffa Waste Services. Are you breaking the......
Rest Awhile
• A map which shows drivers where the nearest rest places are off each junction on the 1111 and M40 is available free from Thames Valley Police. The police hope that the map......
Recovery Bible
• A handbook for professional recovery operators called We the Professionals Rook Three by Bill Jackson is now available for £29 including postage and packing. Contact Elaine......
Tachograph Analyst
• An economic charts scanner device has been produced by Rollforward to improve analysis productivity with tachograph charts. The hand scanner device is fitted to a manually......
Tracking Trucking
• An enhanced graphics version of Routemaster called Route Plot has just been launched by Analytical Systems. It allows the user to highlight the roads to be used between call......
Moving Plug
• AdGuard has launched a full width flexible rear deflector panel for rainwater and debris which can be used to advertise a company's name. Contact 021-708 2291.......
Fleet Watch
MI A fleet inspection and Tyre management system called the Tp - ewatch which claims to to do job in one third of the time is now available from Mitchell Technical Systems. A......
Software Solution
• A new Truckmaster 202/602 program has been produced by Ram which gives easy to read printouts recording temperatures for chilled and frozen stock during transit. Contact......