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Men In The News
Mr. A. A. Halley has been elected president of the Scottish Motor Trade Association. Mr. N. T. O'Reilly has been re-elected chairman of the Road Haula g e Association Finance......
WJE re g ret to record the deaths of Mr. VV E. H. T. Smith and Mr. W. Donaldson Wri g ht. Mr, Smith for many years mana g ed his own Nottin g ham road haula g e firm. He was 71.......
County Council Against Lorry Route
ryposiTioN to the Minister of \--4' Transport's proposed London lorry route and protests about the street parkin g of commercial vehicles were g iven the backin g of Middlesex......
Mr. Gresham Cooke To Be I.r.t.e. President
T HE next president of the Institute of Road Transport En g ineers, to succeed Sir William Black in October, will be Mr. Ro g er Gresham Cooke, well known as a -road transport......