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Railway Loss Intolerable, Says Mr. Marples
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT W E in this country have to be ruthlessly efficient to survive . . ." this was Mr. Marples' view of the railway losses, put forward during......
Relief From Records Approved
T HE Minister of Transport's promise to relieve some C licence holders of the need to keep records has been approved by M.P.s and, at the same time, the Minister has been given......
Double Braking Urged
IT was highly desirable that we shouk was on the braking systems in usc in this country as soon as we possibl3 could, commented Mr. Marples, when hc told the Commons that his......
Road Loan Possibility Nar, Marples Promised To Look A 11'1
the possibility of a road loan amoi tized and generally guaranteed out c road users' taxation. But, he added, whe the suggestion was put to him in th Commons, that he did not......
Cost Of Changing To R.h.d.
I -1 A TENTATIVE estimate of the costin money and casualties — changing over to driving on the righ hand side of the road was given in ti Commons by Mr. Marples., The possible......