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Automatic Electronic Anti Theft Systems
• A new range of vehicle security systems and devices to provide protection against hijacking and the theft from vehicles of their loads has been introduced by ASAMinerva (EMI)......
Redline Ea Vans To Bathgate
• Having relaunched the EA as a Redline model, British Leyland is to transfer production of its EA vans from Adderley Park, Birmingham, to the Scottish plant at Bathgate.......
Transport Technologies Committee
• A Committee for Industrial Technologies has been set up by the Department of Trade and Industry to advise on measures to promote greater awareness of the importance of a......
Fork-lift Test Track
• A test track for fork-lift trucks has been installed by Lancer Boss Ltd at its Leighton Buzzard premises. It is to be used to prove performance and reliability of prototype......
Seddon-atkinson's Southern Subsidiary
• Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd is to reorganize the distribution of both Seddon and Atkinson vehicles in London and the South East by merging the commercial vehicle division of......
Manulectric Move To Monmouth
• Crompton Electricars Ltd has acquired from L and P Engineering Co, of Exeter, the sole manufacturing rights of Manulectric pedestrian-controlled electric vehicles. These will......