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Tdg Plans Triple Merger
by Amanda Bradbury • Three TDG trading divisions are to merge in January and there will be job losses, but not at senior management or director level. The amalgamation of Harris......
Transport Bosses Appeal For Jailed Driver
pay up by 3.8% • The United Road Transport Union is holding a fund-raising event to pay the legal fees of a non-member who is in a French prison on drug smuggling charges.......
• Average Management Pay Settlements Were 2.6% For The Year
to August, down on the previous all-time low figure of 2.8%. But merit pay and automatic pay increments pushed up actual rises to an average of 3.8%. An average rise of 3.1% is......
Truckwatch Plans To Repeat Success In Cambridgeshire
• Truckwatch, the scheme in which hauliers are faxed details of stolen vehicles, was launched in Cambridgeshire on 30 September. Graham Houghton, the Road Haulage Association's......
Five Trucks Hit In Arson Attack
• Fenland haulier D&R Hankins has lost a third of its fleet in an arson attack on its yard in Manea near Littleport, Cambs. Firefighters and police were called as the fire......