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Sacked Unfairly
• DW Briggs Demolition & Earthmoving has been ordered to pay £2,580 compensation for unfair dismissal to driver Thomas Lord, who was sacked after he had given a statement to the......
Less Licence
• Prohibition notices and a failure to tax his vehicle led to the licence held by Accringtonbased David McNeill being cut by a year. LA Martin Albu deleted the trailer from the......
Success Story • The Licence For Five Vehicles And Four
trailers held by NJ Chalmers Transport Services, of Shilton, near Coventry, was renewed for the full five years following a satisfactory maintenance investigation.......
Licence Granted • Blaenavon-based European Transport...
international licence for 10 vehicles and 15 trailers after South Wales DLA Alan Bourlet was satisfied that all its vehicles were properly taxed and tested.......
Tighten Up
• Halesowen-based Evans & Munden was told to do "a bit of tightening up" in order not to collect prohibition notices in the future, when it appeared before West Midland LA, John......
Taylor Beats Objections
• Neighbouring residents have failed to block a bid by Worthing based Taylor Plant & Haulage to double its licence authorisation. South Eastern and Metropolitan LA Brigadier......
Weighbridge Was Not Accurate
• Manchesterbased Decco, and agency driver Jason Wood, have been cleared of overloading a 3.5-tonne vehicle. Appearing before Easingwold Magistrates, the company and Wood were......