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Rates Deadline
• Firms planning to appeal against new rates bills have less than a month before the cut-off date of 30 September, says the Confederation of British Industry. Paris ban • A......
Waste Load Paints
• An Essex warehousing and transport operator says it was misled by Customs documents into unwittingly distributing a cargo of hazardous German waste. As a result Essex County......
Ec Bargain Ends The Austrian Truck Jams
• A deal has been struck in Brussels on the transit of HGVs through Austria, following the huge hold-ups caused by the collapse of part of the Kufstein bridge on the......
Buyout Bid Led To Roads Resignation
• Bob Sturgess, former managing director of hauliers' cooperative Roads, has revealed that he resigned because his bid to buy the organisation was turned down by the board. He......