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Shop Talk
• The misuse of letters of intent by prospective operators and those wishing to renew their 0-licences makes a mockery of the entire licensing system (see news story, page 5).......
Charge-out Rates Continue To Rise
• Charge-out rates paid to vehicle body repairers by the insurance companies continued to rise over the past three months according to the latest survey by the Vehicle Builders......
011is Moves Over To The Other Side
• 011is Fleet Services has opened a six-bay workshop in Kaynsham, east of Bristol close to Junction 19 on the M5. The workshop has been built on the vehicle park of 011is's......
On The Road
• Renault dealer Brook Lane Garage has put a mobile service support vehicle on the road, fitted with Edstrom equipment. The Trak van will be used to provide round-the-clock......