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Light Fines For "technical" Offence
T HE London firm of W. and R. Wallace Industries, Ltd., Pentonville Road, Islington. were fined £10 with 20 gns. costs at Clerkenwell recently for permitting 15 of their drivers......
"additional Units Could Earn £24,000" A N Application For...
which would enable them to earn an estimated £24,000 a year, was made at Manchester by G. Reyner (Transport), Ltd., who asked for six vehicles of 26+ tons on A licence. About 18......
Albion's New Factory Delayed
T "plans by Albion Motors, Ltd., to build a factory in the Vale of Leven are in abeyance because they cannot come to terms With the Board of Trade. They had already acquired a......
Road-improvement Costs Analysis
XPEN DITU RE incurred in road improvements in 1958 averaged £1.11 per sq. ft.: it was £1.68 in urban areas and £0.83 in rural districts. These figures, based on recent schemes......
Tippers Scarce In Scotland
THERE is still a scarcity of tippers in I Lanarkshire because of the volume of construction work now being done in central Scotland and applications for increased capacity are......
Nottingham Loading Bans
Start 11 t IOTTINGHAM'S rainbow parking scheme was put into operation on April I. Under the scheme, waiting is banned completely on many streets in the city centre between 8.30......
T.r.t.a. Object To Discrimination
virJHAT the T.R.T.A. objects to is VY discrimination against commercial vehicles, said Mr. G. F. Page at the annual meeting of the Southampton Area of Traders Road Transport......