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Since The Figures For Roadside Checks )--) At Leeds, London,
Norwich, Edinburgh and Cardiff were published in last week's issue, figures for the " blitz " checks around Manchester and Bristol have become available, and show that......
Clearway Price Cut
THE chassis prices of all versions of the Thames Clearway has been reduced • by £25. The reduction, which is actually for chassis/windshield units, means that, for example, a......
South Western Tippers
T HE name South Western Tippers Ltd. has been chosen for the official title of the tipper group just formed to cover Devon, Cornwall and a section of Somerset. It will he......
T.r.t.a. Wins
THE Traders Road Transport Associa tion and other objectors have succeeded in their opposition to proposals by Lancaster City Council to 'create a pedestrian precinct in Penny......
A S Would Be Expected, There Was General Approval This Week
for the Construction and Use (Amendment) Regulations, details of which appear on pages 42-44 of this issue. The amendments, which provide for larger and heavier vehicles, were......
Special Types Amendments Also
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT WHILST the new Construction and " Use Regulations which were promulgated last week arc mainly advantageous to the manufacturer insofar as they give......
Longer Than Long A New Scammell Drop-frame Semi
trailer is now available with an overall length of 47 IL and a clear lower deck of 40 ft, The width is 7 ft. 6 in. over angle iron side raves, and the semitrailer, fitted with......
Low-height Front A Version Of The Foreload Semiin....
a low platform is now being manufactured by Charles Pitt (Barton Stacey) Ltd. The height of the platform at the rear is 3 ft. 2 in. and at the front 4 ft. 2 in., •this being......