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Smoke Prosecutions
P ROVISIONAL figures showed that in England and Wales during 1963 there were 2,867 prosecutions under the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations for the unlawful......
Noise Progress Report
NAR:MARPLES last week gave M.P.s a lvi progress report on the drive to lessen Vehicle noise. During the past 12 month, he said, the Ministry had been consulting representatives......
Glasgow Study
A TRANSPORT/LAND use survey üf the Glasgow conurbatIon area, and a study of Perth were announced last week by Mr. Michael Noble, the Scottish Secretary. Both would start soon,......
One (too Many) For The Road ?
THE Department of Scientific and Industrial Research hopes to conduct an experiment into drinking and driving —" in such a way that research staff will not be involved in legal......
Cab Safety Standard?
MARPLES promised last week he would continue to do all he could to increase the safety of heavy goods vehicles, both for their occupants and for the public at large. The safety......
Getting Enough Bus Services
T HE difficulties faced by bus operators who wanted to change their licences were condemned in the Commons last week during a debate on the closure of railways. "When a......
All Highway Statistics Together
A. TOTAL of £307m. was spent on ri Great Britain's roads in 1962. In the years 1953-63 the number of licensed vehicles more than doubled, rising from 5,285,000 to 11,384,000.......
Anti-obstruction Plan—problems
411. MARPLES has received a set-back al in his Plans to stop parked vehicles causing obstruction in London streets. He told M.P.s last week that consultations with local......