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L T.e.'s New Scheme For Grays Area
L'OLLOWING the transfer to the London Transport Executive on September 30 of certain services operated in the Grays and Tilbury area by. the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd.,......
Transport Shortage Cuts Open-cast Output
A STATEMENT that open-cast coal output was being hampered because of transport shortages was made to the Northern Licensing Authority, last week, by Mr. A. L. Campbell, of Geo.......
"monopoly Essential To
TRANSPORT ECONOMY" IF there were to be economy and [efficiency in transport, the alternative to State ownership must be some form of monopoly, otherwise there would be wasteful......
Taxi Replaced Errand Boys
W HEN Mr. L. Stoves, South Shields, applied to the Northern Licensing Authority recently for a B licence to carry tradesmen's goods within a sixmile radius, he said that he was......
Fewer U.k. Exhibits At Brussels
A CCORDING to an official list of exhibitors at the Brussels Motor Show, which is to be held from January 13-19, there will be fewer British makes of commercial vehicle than......
Liverpool Scheme Approved
A PLANNING scheme by which it is hoped to solve the city's trafficcongestion problem has been approved by Liverpool Post-war Redevelopment Committee. The scheme was reported in......
Meat Hauliers' Rates Revised It Is Understood That Meat...
in 1 Sheffield have obtained revised rates and conditions of operation, subject to conffintation by the Minister of Food, which take account. of the hygienic container vehicles......