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Progress Of I.r.t.e. Acclaimed
O VER 300 members and guests li/attended the annual dinner-dance of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, in London. last Friday. The guests included Mr. fohn Birch,......
Big Bedford: New Accessories
A N oil-sump guard made from heavy-gauge corrugated steel is an accessory for Big Bedford vehicles which has recently been marketed by the parts service division of Vauxhall......
Birmingham-manchester Service Re-timing
T o give better connections for services to Glasgow, the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., is to re-time its BirminghamManchester schedules. Permission to do so'......
Application By Re-entrant Opposed
s x private hauliers and the Road Haulage and Railway Executives last week opposed an application to the Northern Licensing Authority by L E. Parry and Co., Annfield Plain, for......
Comet 90 Range Introductions To Simplify Planning Of The...
I. programme, two distinct tractor and tipping models will be built by Leyland Motors, Ltd., in the Comet 90 range. At present, the range includes two haulage models with......
Tribute To Brighton Transport " Vour Transport...
provides a public service which is at least as good as any other seaside resort in the country, and in these days of rising costs still reasonably cheap. have found it......
Edinburgh To Buy 80 Buses
T HE purchase of 60 double-deck and 20 single-deck maximum-dimension buses has been sanctioned by Edinburgh Civic Amenities Committee. It is stated that the vehicles will enable......
Henry Spurrier Lecture The Seventh Henry Spurrier Memo'...
to. the Institute of Transport will be given by Mr. C.' T. Brunner, director and general , manager of Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., on December 10, at 5.45 p.m., at 66, Portland......
Cinema For Bus Station?
A WAR-DAMAGED cinema in Mile rA End Road, South Shields, may be bought by South Shields Town Council for a proposed bus station. The site covers over 1,300 sq. yds., and the......