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Owner-drivers Unite In Protest
• More than 400 UK owneroperators are preparing to join forces in a protest against rates and conditions this autumn. "We are going to show the customer that we can be a solid......
Gulf Truckers Risk Their Lives
• British TIR truckers are driving perilously close to the Gulf war front lines in a bid to slash four hours off the gruelling non-stop run through Saudi Arabia. At least one......
Red Route Slammed
• London's first Red Route is tailing to tackle traffic bottlenecks which cause the biggest delays in journey times, says the Islington Chamber of Commerce. The chamber, which......
Councillors Press For Kirkham Ban
• The row over HGV training in an ancient Lancashire market town (CM 31 January-6 February) has gained fresh momentum this week with loca councillors pressing for an end to......