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Ego Speeds Up For Workshop Records
• Ego Computers is predicting that optical discs will enable tamper-proof records to be stored on computer to the satisfaction of state officials including Inland Revenue and......
Vi Tells All
• The Vehicle Inspectorate's (VI) maintenance guide will be published toward the end of February, priced £4.50. Workshop managers will be able to get copies from Traffic Area......
Tyre Team Stops The Leaks
• Operators who's vehicles go off road onto tips or scrap yards and repeatedly suffer punctures could find a new sealant from Tyre Team useful. Holes in the tread area of up to......
Valve Dates
• All old-style petrol tanker vents have to be replaced by 13 August 1992. After that date the I-ISE will carry out inspections to ensure the regulations are being complied......
Vbra's Safety Net
• An updated version of the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association's (VBRA) COSHH Guidelines has been published. The new edition carries information from companies which......
Scottish Bearings
• The Turner and Newell subsidiary Vandervell is to transfer its production of diesel engine bearings to a new manufacturing plant in Scotland. Based near Bathgate the new £18......