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Bus Chief Concerned At Holiday Plan
A A UNIFORM annual holiday for the Heavy Woollen District would mean that the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co.. Ltd., would need about 330 vehicles. The company's......
New Buses Bring More Passengers In Lisbon
DASSENGERS carried by Lisbon Electric Tramways, Ltd., increased by 8.92 per cent. during 1956. The year's fleet mileage went up by 7.88 per cent. Fourteen new double-deck buses......
New Branch For Equipment
S INCE entering into an agreement with Tecalemit, Ltd., to sell and stock their transportable servicing equipment and accessories, James Robertson (Factors), Ltd., have decided......
Haulier Warned : You Will Be Watched
A FTER hearing that -a haulier had been illegally .carrying cattle on a B licence, and at the same time operating under a C-hire arrangement, the North Western Deputy Licensing......
Fuel Consumption Drops 14.8%
T HE effect of the closure of the Suez Canal is clearly seen in figures for United Kingdom consumption of petroleum products in the first quarter of this year, which have been......
Railways Will Lose " Suez " Passengers
HE railways do not expect to retain any significant amount of the extra passenger traffic that they gained during fuel rationing. This admission was made by Mr. E. A. Dixon,......
Admiralty Offer To C.t.b.
T HE Admiralty have offered to sell to the Ceylon Transport Board the vehicle-maintenance equipment at the Trincomalee naval base, which is to be handed over to the Ceylon......
Doncaster By-pass
W ORK on the Doncaster by-pass, which was first proposed nearly 20 years ago, is expected to be authorized during the next financial year, Mr. .Anthony Barber, M.P., told......