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Against Lifeguards
Middlesbrough Hackney Carriage and Tramways Committees have held a joint meeting to consider whether lifeguards at the front or sides were necessary on motor omnibuses, and it......
Commer Cars In South Africa.
Commer Cars have long been known in South Africa, and meet visitors to Cape Town are familiar with the coaches of this make operated by the Cape Town Electric Tramways Co. With......
The Road Through Brentford.
Brentford Urban District Council has a scheme for the widening of High Street to 50 ft.—a scheme which will cost ultimately £ 70,O . 00-. 3.. The Middlesex County Council thinks......
Notices That Are Not Noticed.
The Motor Car Committee of the Hampshire County Council reports that it, has received a complaint from the Eling Parish Council that the notices erected to warn those concerned......
Czecho-slovakian Transport.
State mechanical road transport has developed, very considerably in CzechoSlovakia within the last two years. The Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs has received 300 applications......
Bulls On The Highway.
The Devon Farmers Union has asked the Devon Comity Council to amend the existing by-law by subetituting 18 months for 12 as the age up to which hulls may be driven or Ted inany......
Bavox Air Compressors.
We are advised by the Societe' Anonvme Bavox that they have disposed of the sole manufacturing and selling rights of the Bavox patent air compressors to Harvey, Frost and Co.,......
• Theatre Motorbuses.
The Liverpool Corporation having withdrawn nearly all its motor omnibus services, continues to employ its surplus vehicles in transporting theatre and concert goers from the......
Rpad Transport In Hayti.
The Majesty's Charge d'Affaires at Port-ms-Prince has reported that a Hayti= citizen and farmer minister, has been granted a concession for a road transport service for goods......
Express Bus Services.
The United Automobile Services, Ltd., who operate a huge network of popular motor omnibus routes over the county of Durham from their northern headquarters at Bishop Auckland,......
Buses For Varying Climates.
The varying climates of some countries snake its imperative to fit vehicles intended far passenger service with different types of bodies to snit local conditions, and an......