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The Ford Tractor Works.
It appears that one of the terms of the lease of the tractor works of Henry Ford and Sons, at Cork Park, Cork, stipulates that the company should for a period of five years......
American Exports.
Exportsof commercial vehicles from the United States during the month of December, 1921, totalled 511, valued at 495,790 dollars, compared with 2,247, valued at 1..fi90,378......
A Brake Lining Cutter.
Messrs. A. J. Dew and Co., 21-25 Endell Street, London, W.C., have recently put on the market an interesting brake lining cutter known as the Steno, which is one of the......
Power Alcohol In Ceylon.
The Government of Ceylon is encouraging the wider cultivation of sugar • C:afie, not only to make the island selfsupporting in sugar, but in motor feel also. In addition, a......
An A.e.c. Bus -test.
An A.E.C. Model 4 provincial type 38-seater omnibus was reeently demonstrated on Scott Street Hill, off Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, which has a gradi ent of 1 in 3,8. This......
.local Proceedings.
• Leeds Watch Committee has authorized the purchase of a motor ambulance. Leeds Fire Brigade Committee has purchased a motor lorry for £900 from Leyland Motors, Ltd. Salford......