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Road Procedure Too Slow, Say N.r.t.f.
rONCERN at the slow official procedure for road improvement is expressed by the National Road Transport Federation in their report for 1954-55, issued on Tuesday. They believe......
Bolton To End Workers Fares?
A PROPOSAL to abolish workers' returns on all stage services in Bolton Corporation's operating area has been made to the North Western Licensing Authority by Bolton Transport......
Laden Lorry Flown To France
TA A BRISTOL Freighter aircraft of Air Charter, Ltd., 15 Great Cumberland Place, London. W.1, flew from Southend airport to Calais last Saturday carrying a laden Bedford......
£280 Fines On London Operators
F INES totalling £280, with £52 10s. costs, were imposed by the Clerk enwell magistrate upon William Varney, Ltd., 28-28a Hermes Street, London, N.1, last week. The company......