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New Bearing Metal Cuts Wear
A NEW bearing metal developed to satisfy the arduous conditions imposed by oil engines has been developed by the Tin Research institute. Dr. E. S. Hedges, director of the......
Converted Six-wheeler's 17 M.p.g.
'THE petrol-engined 7-tonner operated hy Mr. J. Holden, Blounts Hole Farm. Hollywood, Birmingham, until July of this year on farm-produce transport, averaged under 10 m.p.g. ROM......
Raise Fares, But Do Not Cut Service
[VI-1EN a small bus operator applied Ili to the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week to restrict a rural service in the winter to the week-ends only, he was advised to......
Heater For Under-bonnet Mounting
n ESIGNED for installation under the bonnet, a new heater has been produced by the Key-Leather Co., Ltd., 5, Urswick Road, London, E.9. The matrix, fan and motor are contained......