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Q Do You Consider That In Due Course The Majority Of...
A Possibly in due course, but not for many years yet? In fact it is unlikely that diesel engines will be produced in this form until the near-ultimate in design has been......
Cculd You Give Me A Complete Current List Of The...
A The basic "The Motor Vehicles (Construc tion and Use) Regulations 1963" is obtainable from HM Stationery offices or newsagents, reference 1963 number 1646, price 4s. 6d.......
Q What Is Your Opinion As To The Advis
ability of fitting an exhaust brake where this is available as an optional extra? One is given to understand that they can be conducive to rapid bore wear. A There are many......
Q What Is The Source Of The Requirements Effecting The...
on prices and incomes and what are the main features of the appropriate Act? A These are set out in the Prices and Incomes Act 1966, copies of which are available from HM......
Q Are There Likely To Be Any Important Developments In The
near future in the application of the demountable-container type of refuse collector? A Yes, the compacting type is certainly on its way. This could take the form of a container......
0 . How Can I Improve The Productivity Of
my traffic controllers, particularly in the use of telephones? operate 60 vehicles and the time taken and the nervous energy expended in making the numerous but inevitable calls......
N Is It A Legal Requirement Where A Nu
ber of trailers are used in conjunch with vans and pickups that each trai should be covered by a carrier's licence a should the disc be shown on the windscre of the vehicle? A......
One Hears A Lot Of Talk About Advantages Of Combining
munici passenger transport undertakings in urbations such as Merseyside into la, regional transport units. The reason givei that there are many small undertakings this category......