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"traders Must Support Hauliers"
A CALL to traders to transfer their short-distance business from the Road Haulage Executive to private hauliers, and a warning to directors of large concerns that they must all......
0.p.p.a. Free From Party Polities
O NE of the strongest points of the Omnibus Passengers Protection Association was that the case it represented was entirely free from party politics, said Mr. C. H. Vincent,......
Trent Tours For 1951
D ETAILS of the 1951 coach-tour L./programme planned by Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., have now been issued. A new seven-day, tour covering the south coast from Eastbourne to......
Telling Industry The Truth
R EPRESENTATIVES of industrial organizations are to attend an open meeting arranged by the Road Haulage Association in Manchester next Sunday, December 10, when the difficulties......
Express Deliveries Of Coal
IA A LIGHT vehicle for express coal delivery has been put on the road by Darviel K. Rea and Son, Ltd.. Liverpool, to take supplies to customers who find themselves entirely......