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60,000 More Clicence Vehicles
I N the year ended September last. - 26,342 . new C-licence operators . appeared. The number of C-licence vehicles increased by, 59.309. of which 30,723 weighed not more than......
Disposing Of Refuse With A 30-cubic-yd. Tipper
VOR the disposal of non-chargeable rubbish, such as orange boxes and mushroom and fruit chips. F. Meyers. Ltd.. the big London greengrocery and fruit concern, now operates a......
Scottish Council To Study Transport
THE Scottish Council for Develop ment and Industry has appointed a joint committee to consider the special transport problems of the Highlands and Islands. Its first task will......
London Drivers Approach Premier
A S a result of a mass meeting of 300 coach and bus drivers and conductors held in Croydon, last week, a unanimous resolution condemning the nationalization of passenger......
Nuffield Exports Still Expanding
S HIPMENTS of commercial vehicles manufactured by the Nuffield group to the end of October, were higher by 88 per cent. than in the comparable period of 1949. which was a,......
Rootes Discovers A New America
A T the recent American Public Works Congress and Equipment Show in New York, Rootes Motors, Inc., New York, became the first British concern to exhibit there, and the vehicle......
Transport Managers' Club Meetings
THE London Area of the Transport Managers' Club is postponing its lunch-time meetings for the next three months. For these will be substituted evening meetings for January and......