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'iry Again
S OTTISH Bus Group has applied for a 20 per cent fares in rease, and wants this to tak e effect on February 1. This follows last month's rejection of an application for a 3p......
Park, But No Xmas Ride
INFLATION is hitting West Midlands PTE. It has dropped plans for Christmas park-and-ride buses, and expects to impose annual 15 per cent fares rises from February. Fares last......
S. Yorks Opts For Dominator
HESTAIR DENNIS has scored its biggest bus coup so far by winning a 144 vehicle order for South Yorkshire PTE doubledeckers. SYPTE controller of engineering and building services......
Volvos Foi Singapore
SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE has ordered 200 Volvo B5 front-engined single-deck cit buses for delivery next year. The Volvos are part of a order for 300 buses in line wit the company's......