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Rhe Gift Of He Gab
OTHING could be more woriy than the Queen's Silver, Jbilee competition organised inually by the Institution of lechanical Engineers to encouige engineers to express them:Ives......
IF JOHN EGAN knows as much about transport as he does about the life and works of James Joyce and about general affairs, current and past, he is the man to sort out London......
Good Old Days
IN its selection of Christmas cards the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund is going abundance this year on vintage vehicles. Last year's t card depicting a Leyland brewers'......
No Smoking
IF commercial vehicles are to be simplified, what in happier days used to be called the cigar lighter — now downgraded to cigarette lighter — is surely the first device to be......
Not For Whizz-kids
THE NATIONAL BUS CO is clearly no place for whizz-kids. Robert Brook, deputy chairman and chief executive, believes that one cannot put an old head on young shoulders. In the......
Not In Vain
"THE .. . industrial action take by hundreds of thousands 4 engineering workers — ii cluding tens of thousands 4 TGWU members — has .. been in vain," says the TG14 , Record. It......
HOW MANY drivers have c liberately hugged the tail of t vehicle ahead to test t automatic sign warning thi that they are following t closely on a road near Asc Berks? I confess......