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DASHBROOK FOR HINO • Dashbrook Southwest of Eagle Way, Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter, situated near Junction 30 on the M5, is now the official Hino truck dealer for Cornwall......
GOING, GOING, GONE • Central Motor Auctions is offering a range of late registered tractive units for sale on Humberside this Saturday, 10 December. Scunthorpe-based Jackson......
COLEMAN TURBO COOLING UNIT • Coleman has developed a 12-Volt electric coolbox with a polyethelene shell making it suitable for storing food. It features double foam insulation,......
DANGEROUS CONSULTATION • Further changes to the Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances Regulations 1984 and the Approved List are being proposed in a......
SHANKS & McE1NAN ASSURANCE • Waste disposal company Shanks & McEwan Group has passed the British Quality Assurance test at its Sutton Waste Transfer Station, operated under......
ON THE BUSES • To encourage the Bus and Coach industry to increase staff training and development and take advantage of commercial courses that are available, Bus and Coach......
FUEL ORGANISER FOR SMALL OPERATORS • Permex has launched the "Fleetguard" fuel organiser, designed specifically to suit smaller operators. The company claims it can be installed......
RIFTING YOUR BOSS ONLINE • Computer company Standard Systems has bought out Haulage Manager, a compute] software package which helps traffic controllers get an accurate overview......