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Mi Develops Pray Analysis
An easier method of analyng the density of spray from uck tyres, as perceived by her road users, has been de:loped by the Department of ransport's Transport and Dad Research......
Yule Like This . . .
• You know that Christmas is coming when the Norwegians plant a Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. Actually, it would be more accurate to say when some early-rising haulier......
• High-security Number Plates Incorporating Holograms Are...
From next August easier-to-read plates will become legal — and mandatory in August 1990. introducing the new plates Roads and Traffic Minister Peter Bottornley said: "We welcome......
Dip Swoops Again On Booze Cruisers
• One-in-four coaches checked on their way back from cross-Channel shopping trips last weekend were more than two tonnes overloaded because of the duty-free beer, wine and......