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Redcar Co. Said To Have Sold Out.
I T is reported that Maidstone and District Motor Services. Ltd., has taken over the business of Redcar Services, Ltd., Tunbridge Wells, the wellknown independent coach and bus......
"west 'yorkshire" Takes Over Keeling's.
W E are able to announce that the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., Harrogate, has taken over the passenger side of the business of Messrs. A. E. Keeling and Sons, and......
Crippling Taxation On Road Transport.
R EFERENCE to "the crippling taxation which the industry is called upon to bear" was made by Sir William J. Thomson, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, chairman and managing director of......
Unanimous • Hours Recommendations.
A S exclusively forecast in The Commercial Mobs', last week, an important meeting to consider the . variation of public-service-vehicle drivers' hours was held in London, last......
Higher Tilling And B.a.t. Profits.
T "report of Tilling and British Automobile Traction, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1934, shows a profit of £276,877, which compares with £235,265 for 1933. Dividends on......