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Important Deal In London Services
wiE understand that George Ewer VV and Co., Ltd., and Keith and Boyle (London), Ltd., the well-known London independent operators, are jointly acqung the goodwill of the Prince......
Corporation-company Agreement Dispute.
A N interesting. point concerning a temporary agreement between Nottingham Corporation and the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., was raised at a sitting of the East Midland......
Useful Co-ordination Work Of Association.
T HE valuable work carried out by the Associated North Staffordshire Motorbus 'Proprietors, Ltd., in coordinating the local services, was outlined at the annual dinner of that......
Manchester-london Services Reduced.
IT is understood that the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner has decided to delete, during the winter months, the day service of Majestic Express Motors, Ltd., on the......
Nine Big Operators At Black And White Function.
N MINE important coaching companies were represented at the annual ball of Black and White Motorways, Ltd., at Cheltenham, last week, which is one of the outstanding social......
Trolleybus Scheme Rejected.
T " proposal of Merthyr Tydfil Corporation to acquire from Merthyr Electric Traction Co., Ltd., the local tramways, to convert them to trolleybus working, has now been negatived......
Blackpool Service Complication
A N application that was described by the chairman of the NorthWestern Traffic Cornmisgioners (Mr. W. Chamberlain) as being on 'the snowball method," came up at a Manchester......
Unreasonable Protective Fare Alleged.
T HE protection afforded to Bradford Corporation in the fixing of fares on bus services was discussed during the hearing of an appeal in Leeds, on Monday. Mr. Samuel Ledgard, of......