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Syncro: What Market
VOLKSWAGEN'S 4x4 synchro version of its Transporter van range was launched in the UK last week, with VW admitting that it does not know the 4x4's market potential. At the......
9 Fully Automatic
tacho from LK LUCAS KIENZLE'S 1318 fully-automatic tachograph has become available as original equipment on some Volvo, Ford, Bedford and Seddon Atkinson models and will become......
D-b Tours Germany With Truck Technology
'HIE CENTENARY celebrations held recently by Dailmler-Benz concentrated, somewhat naturally, on cars rather than commercial vehicles. However, commercials do figure in 1)-B's......
£6 Million For Ceramics R & D Consortium
A THREE-year, 2.61nillioi collaborative research pro gramme involving Ford, Ley land, Perkins, Ricardo, BP Castrol and GKN has been established with the aim o increasing the use......