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We Need 10 Tonnes
CHE Editorial (CM, _January 11) appears ritical of the Freight Transport kssociation's campaign for a 40-tonne naximum weight in Britain, claiming hat the timing of the campaign......
Do We Need 38 Tonnes?
IT was with much interest that I read the letter "Was 38 tonnes really necessary?" front your correspondent, A. R. Goss (CM, January 25), all of which I am sure is quite......
We Arc Quite Unable To Pass On To Our Customers
any extra charges for services rendered; in fact most hauliers will consider themselves very lucky to have enough work to do regardless of rate per tonne. Last week, while......
We're Not Taunton Meat
CM January 17 referred to the promotion of Mr Reg Heath to chief executive of TKM Holdings. The report quite rightly pointed out that Langdon Industries is the last remaining......