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'industrial Training Year'
" WHATEVER else happens in British VV industry this year, one thing is certain-1965 will go down as industrial training year." This was stated on Monday by Mr. Richard Marsh,......
Orders And Deliveries
MORE HUNGARIAN VEHICLES FOR. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Under the trade pact recently signed between Czechoslovakia and Hungary more Hungarian vehicles will be exported to the former......
Attendants On Lorry Mounted Cranes
F OLLOWING strong representations to the Ministry of Transport by the Lorry Mounted Crane Association, the addition of a sub-paragraph to Regulation 110(1) of the Motor Vehicles......
Brockhouse Trailer Distributors T He London Company B.b....
engineers of Clapham, S.W.9, have been appointed distributors for the postal districts south of the Thames for trailers and semi-trailers manufactured by the vehicles division......
Mini-coaches On Show
A N exhibition of public service mini1 - 10. coaches is now in progress at the showrooms of the Williams Motor Co. Ltd., Knott Mill, Manchester, and will continue until January......
New Company To Specialize On Ford Engines
A A FIRM which already supplies and converts more than 3,500 Ford engines a year to meet customers' spec;fie needs (recent installations include engines adapted for nuclear......