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Fame At Last
Six Iveco Fords recently made their showbiz tion of the series Heartbeat. The glamorous linedebut. Yorkshire Television, which took delivery up comprises a Daily Hi-Roof......
Holy Shock Absorbers!
In case you were wondering, all you heathens out there, this isn't a bloke in a frock armed with a feather duster. No, shame on you unbelievers, for 'tis none other than the......
Look And Learn
To the Hawk this week fell the onerous task of sitting down, reading a book and watching a video. I know, It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it... BPS The Early Years,......
Angel Or Mercy Needs Your Help
The Hawk is sending out an urgent SOS on behalf of hoteier Angela Chapman from Emsworth, Hants. Angela was due to leave with an aid convoy bound for the Greek/ Macedonian border......