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Machinery-transporting Vehicle
O N ARTICULATED vehicles of the type used for transporting machinery, it is known to be able to remove the rear wheels so as to enable the platform to descend to the ground.......
Leakproof Hydraulic Disc Brakes
P ATENT No. 885,973 shows a disci brake assembly in which the friction pads are hydraulically pressed on to the disc. The chief point of the scheme is the means used to......
Desmodromic Valve Operation
D ESMODROIVIIC operation of valves implies cam-actuated closing as well as opening, rather than relying entirely on springs for the former function. It has hitherto been......
Universalsemi-trailer Coupling
A T present there are two main typt • o f semi-trailer couplings in use, th roller-and-rail type • and the variet employing a king-pin. It iS not usual' possible to unite two......