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Met. L.a. Adjourns Application To Consider Revocation
B ECAUSE of other inquiries going on,. an application by Key Transport Co., London, was further adjourned by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, last week.......
Eastern Counties Granted Fares Increase
T HE Eastern Traffic Commissioners last week granted fares increases to the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., the amount being id. rise on fares between 2-id. and 5W. (not......
U.s. Transport Reforms
T HE Under-Secretary for Transportation of the U.S. Department of Commerce has issued details of the Transportation Message," delivered to Congress recently as a . basis for......
North Western "year Of Frustration"
"IN reviewing the financial pattern of the past year I feel that it has been a period of frustration," said Mr. T. Robert Williams in his speech as chairman of the North Western......
Southdown Profits Up
A NET profit of £307,923 was made by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., in the year ended March 31 last. The comparative figure for the previous year was 002,584,......
Coventry's First Transport Loss Since 1957
L AST year the Coventry Transport Undertaking made its first loss since 1957. The deficit was 08,746 for the year ended March 31 last and, after utilizing a balance of £55,176......