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Be Prepared
I feel that I must comment on K. W. Hutchingson's kick at the non-existent 24-hour commercial garage facilities (CM, February 2). I cannot understand companies who run......
Seven-day Delays
I am replying to Mr. Hutchingson's letter about 24-hour breakdown services (CM, Feb. 21. I have been employed in the motor industry for 15 years, perhaps compared with others a......
Is It Commercial Yet?
Looking back through some past issues of COMMERCIAL MOTOR I came across an article by lain Sherriff on the road passenger industry in Ulster. It was under the heading "An Irish......
Ingenious, But. . .
I read with interest the article by "Handyman" on ground anchors for recovery (CM, Feb. 23). I thought the suggested anchor very ingenious and probably simpler in use than the......
On your letters page on February 9 I noticed a mention of Glazebrook Transport's bicycle for obtaining small spares, etc. The thought occurred to me that we should keep this......
Braking Compromise Mr. Corke's Letter Concerning The...
A. Williamson of Vauxhall in - The next 10 years" feature raises some interesting questions on vehicle braking. There is no doubt that the safest way to brake a vehicle......