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Four Gears Instead Of Five For Comet
A NEW four-speed gearbox is to replace the five-speed gearbox in the Leyland Comet 90 cruiser-weight range of goods vehicles. It is to be used in conjunction with a two-speed......
Meals For 500 From Mobile Kitchen
QUBSTANTIAL meals for 500 people can be supplied by a new Leyland Beaver four-wheeled mobile kitchen which has been developed by the Ministry of Food under plans for civil......
More Traffic For Free Hauliers
A BIGGER share of the traffic in 1 - 1 gypsum being freely delivered to farms devastated in the recent floods should be given to private-enterprise contractors. This opinion was......
Tours Of The Town
A N application has been made by Sunderland Corporation to the Northern Licensing Authority to operate tours of the town to mark the Coronation. There will be two circular......