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Reorganization Plans For Fish Traffic
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B RITISH RAILWAYS want to reduce the number of fish trains that leave the four main ports—Grimsby, Hull, Aberdeen and. Fleetwood—from the......
R.h.a. Dinner Speakers T He President Of The National...
British Manufacturers, Mr. L. A. W. Jenkins, will propose the toast of the Road Haulage Association, at the R.H.A.'s annual dinner at Grosvenor House on May 13. The national......
Wages Order T He New Road Haulage Wages ()meir.h. (78) -...
effective from Monday, May 4. It is obtainable as Statutory Instrument 1964 No, 537 from H.M. Stationery Office, price 2s.......
Still 'in Transit A Successful Claim Was Made Last Week In
the High Court by A. Tomlinson (Hauliers) Ltd., of Nottingham, for payment under an insurance policy following the theft of 7 m. cigarettes (worth about £50,000) from Iwo of......
Advice On Packing A Small Booklet Entitled "safe Transit"...
issued on Monday by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, State House, High Holborn, London, W.C.1, from where it is obtainable free of charge. This brief review......
New Wages Calculator
A REVISED edition of the Headlight PA Wages Calculator was published on Monday, price 2s. 6d., or 3s. postage paid from 46 Islington High Street, London, N.1. It coincides with......
Compromise On Mobile Shops Ban T He Northern Division Of The
Traders Road Transport Association has negotiated a six-month pilot scheme with the WItitehaven Borough Council for a limited number of prohibitions at places in Whitehaven......