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Bus Station Rating Appeals Fail
W HEN Edinburgh Valuation Appeal Court last week rejected the appeal by Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., to have the £5,250 rating of St. Andrew's Square bus station reduced to £1,000,......
A Licence Granted For Oil Deliveries
I N order to undertake deliveries from the new depot of Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd, at Ecclesfield, Tuffnells, Ltd., Sheffield, last week sought the addition of two vehicles to......
No "about Face" By Union—mr. Coyle
S UGGESTIONS that the Transport and General Workers' Union had turned about by backing both the provincial and London busmen's pay claims were denied this week by Mr. Frank......
"accept Southdown Hire Offer"— Mr. Thorn A N Application...
Luxury Coaches (Reading), Ltd., for permission to operate week-end summer express services from Reading and Bracknell to Hayling Island, was refused by the South Eastern Traffic......