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Licence Endorsement Appeal Rejected
THE Road Haulage Association-spon sored appeal by Mr. K. P. Venables of Enfield, against a sentence imposed by . Lawford Gates magistrates, of a £10 fine with a subsequent......
Vehicle Observer Corps For Scotland?
G LASGOW may soon have its own vehicle observer corps. A meeting of the Glasgow and West sub-area of the Scottish area of the Road Haulage Association will be held on November......
Mckelvie Bought By T.d.g.
T AST week the Transport Development J-1 Group Ltd. acquired the issued share capital of McKelvie and Co. Ltd. of Barrhead, Scotland, a take-over which. including the McKelvie......
Where Road Transpor .ags B.r.s, Traffic Executive
E XAM1NATION of the effects of 1-4 automation elsewhere brought one reluctantly to the conclusion that road transport had not kept pace with modern trends, said Mr. Herbert......