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News In Brief Glasgow Ban: The Glasgow Corporation Ilan On
morning and late-afternooit loading and unloading over nine miles of central streets is to come into effect on November 17 for an experimental period of three months with a......
Mr. G. Newman Has Been Appointed A Deputy North Western
Licensing .Authority and will share the work with the present deputy L.A., Mr. A. H. Jollitte.. Mr. Newman is a deputy County Court Judge for Lancashire and Cheshire and a......
'not Just A Few Black Sheep
I - r would be wrong to suggest that it was only a few black sheep who were to blame for the failures of the road transport industry in respect of such things as poor.......
W E regret to record the deaths of Mr. John H. G. Barber, Mr. J. C. Nielson and Mr. George Warrington. \Ir. Barber, who was 56, died last Friday after a short illness. He was......