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Labour Party To "deal With C Licences "
THE Labour Party Executive, the Trade Union Congress General Council and the Unions in the transport industry are to get together to hammer out Labour's legislative policy on......
New Vehicle Weights And Sizes Acceptable Mr. C. B. Nixon
"A CCEPTABLE " was how, at a luncheon in London last week, Mr. C. B. Nixon, chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd., described the Minister of, Transport's proposals to increase the......
More Small Units To Be Offered
A N assuranc e . that small units will continue to be offered was given to a delegation from the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses which visited Sir Malcolm......
Sir Gilmour Jenkins' Address
T ' presidential address to the Institute of Transport will be given next Monday by Sir Gilmour Jenkins at the inaugural ' meeting of the 1954-55 session. This will be held at......