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• Traffic In London Grew At A Rate Of 1%
a year between 1976 and 1987, but heavy goods traffic has fallen since the beginning of the 1980s because of the M25, says the London Transport Monitoring Report from the......
Tnt Snatches Up Pi Ko Cheque
• The first sign that the Go eminent is prepared to allow private parcels carriers to break the Post Office's letter monopoly came this week when TNT was called in to deliver......
Angry Villagers Say 'no' 160 Times
• Angry locals are attempting to stop three transporter firms using an operating centre in their village to distribute 300 cars a week produced at the Vauxhall plant in nearby......
Nfc Bravery Award For Cartransport's Perry
• Home Office Minister John Patten has praised the "extraordinary personal bravery of NFC Cartransport driver Bob Perry, who saved his load and averted a potential explosion by......
• The Freight Transport Association Has Slammed The Big Uk
fuel companies for allegedly forming a cartel to control market prices. The FTA claims the cartel lures new customers by offering very low prices and then pushes up prices at......