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Wincanton Plays Safe
• Wincanton says it is the first distribution firm to win the British Standards Institution seal of approval, and to emphasise its commitment to safety, the company held a......
M&t Wins Battle In Silencer War
• Appeals against the controversial London lorry ban Condition 11, which enforces the fitting of air-brake silence have been suspended on all cases backed by the Freight......
New Accident Dal For Safety Drive
• The Department of Trans. port will collect registration di tails of all vehicles involved in injury accidents from 1 Januar next year in an effort to reduc the death toll on......
West Midlands Launches Crackdown On The City's Bus...
• Efforts to combat graffiti and vandalism on its buses have been stepped up by operator West Midland Travel, which estimates the cost of re pairing the damage at 21.5 million a......